Sonntag, 16. September 2007

Waiting for my soul

Coming home after the last wrok meeting at the airport with my training team. Liga and Naomi - 22 years old only. Actually trying to come home, cause I didnt have my key and my flatmates werent home. So I left my stuff at the Croatian Restaurant (thank god the creapy owner "when do we go for a coffee together" wasnt there) and went off to meet Ben and Steven one last time.
Some more hugging, some more discussions and the training for trainers is over.
I was quite thankful that I was able to walk around Vienna again. Cause in these two last months I didnt really have the time to just strole around my city a bit.
And then in the end coming home felt so good. Safe. And relaxing. But in the same time, now the evening starts it also feels a bit lonley. Where are all the smiling faces, I got so used to in the last 10 days. It is strange how much a group process actually effects you in your way of seeing the world and yourself.
So I am back again in Vienna, with a lot of new ideas in my head and even more questions I may never find an answer to. To use Rodrigos words: It s a process. Well, congratulations on that one.
I am tired and still waiting for my soul to arrive from Reichenau. I understand it is a bit hard, as it has to cross over mountains.
Some important questions to answer today:
- Does it make you afraid to not know?
- Are you willing to get take the risk of getting hurt again?
- Is freetime fun?
- Will my manual ever be finished?

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